Preparing For Your Family Photo Session 2022

If you have ever had a family photo session done, you know that there is a process involved.  With the right photographer, you’ll be guided through the process easily. However, it’s still a process. Here are some tips and tricks to preparing for your family photo session that will help it to go as smoothly as possible.

Preparing For Your CT Family Photo Session || Sharon Leger Photography || Canton, Connecticut

Tip #1: Plan and Purchase Family Photo Session Outfits

As soon as you have booked your photo session, I would recommend starting to plan your outfits. That being said, if your session is more than 6 months out, you have time. The reason I suggest shopping early is because you are at the mercy of retail seasons.

Have you noticed that the Valentine’s Day candy goes out right after Christmas? The same is true for clothing. You can bet that stores are stocking a season ahead, so the earlier you start shopping the better. There’s nothing worse than going to buy a summer outfit at the end of August and realizing all the sweaters are out. 

Tip #2: Prepare Your Wardrobe 

After you spent so much time coordinating a wardrobe, be sure to examine the clothes at least 48 hours in advance. Do the shirts have tags that need to come off? Do your husband’s dress pants need to be ironed? Is there a run in your daughter’s tights? These things aren’t dealbreakers, but they make a big difference. If you realize ten minutes before you have to leave that ripping the tag off a shirt made a hole, you’re going to be stressed. If you make the same mistake with two days notice helps keep those stress levels in check. 

Preparing For Your CT Family Photo Session || Sharon Leger Photography || Canton, Connecticut

Tip #3: Considering Bribes

As a mom, I seldom use bribes in parenting my children day-to-day. That being said, I pull out all the stops when it comes to preparing for a family photo session. Because we rarely use bribes, they really work for our kids. At our last family session, my husband and I showed our daughters (ages 3 and 5 at the time) a new doll they would each get at the end of the session. This was in exchange for their cooperation and the expectations were laid out clearly. It worked!

When parents don’t discuss this ahead of time, the bribes tend to escalate fast. They go from “We’ll stop for ice cream at the end of the session” to “I’ll buy you a car when you’re 16” pretty quick. Each family is different though, so you have to stop and think about what works best for you. At the very least, it’s a conversation worth having with your partner ahead of time. 

Tip #4: Car Ride Discussions

On the way to your session, be sure to discuss expectations with your children. Your family photo session is going to be a really fun experience with lots of interaction, playing and silliness. It’s important to share that with your children, but also lay out how you expect them to behave. If your children are really young, this may not be as effective as it would be if they were older. I have found that children, ages 4 and over, can usually understand the expectations laid out for them. Nervous your children won’t behave? No worries! I have ten years of classroom experience under my belt, I know all the tricks.

These tips are meant to help you in preparing for your family photo session. If you’re considering a family session this year, be sure to check out my portfolio or shoot me a message to check on my availability. I would love to work with you and your family! 

Preparing For Your CT Family Photo Session || Sharon Leger Photography || Canton, Connecticut

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