After you have had a baby, you know that a baby comes with decisions. Lots of them. What kind of crib should I buy? Should I going to breastfeed? Are we going to sleep train? These decisions are often made even more complicated by lack of sleep, hormones and – did I mention? – lack of sleep. Another decision on that list: booking a CT newborn session.
So when you are faced with whether or not this type of session is for you, there are a few considerations. First, think about how well you will be able to capture the details on your own. Second, consider your time and money investment. Finally, think about whether or not you want to be included in early pictures.

My husband and I had newborn sessions done for both of our girls. At the hospital, a photographer came around and took gorgeous pictures. For an astronomical fee, we could keep those pictures. Um, no thanks. When I got home, I thought “I can do that same level of work!” (this was in my pre-photography, just a call phone stage).
Boy, was I wrong – and frustrated! My pictures looked borderline ridiculous. I just couldn’t capture the small details that are so important during this fleeting stage. Having given it my best efforts, we called in a professional to preserve those perfect little lips and the microscopic fingernails. My daughters, now 4 and 2, love to pour over those images! I am so grateful that we invested in a CT newborn session for them.
CT Newborn Session | Sharon Leger Photography | Burlington, Connecticut
CT Newborn Session Investment
Yes, you’re on maternity leave. Yes, babies are expensive. But will you regret not having them done? These pictures can’t be “made up” in two months when you change your mind. The soft peach fuzz on her shoulders will be gone, those precious fat rolls on his back will have smoothed out. So many second-time moms tell me that their biggest regret was not doing newborn pictures with their first child. So yes, it will take a few hours and a financial commitment, but I’ve never had a client tell me that they regretted doing their CT newborn session.

If this is your first child, you may not fully realize it yet, but you are rarely in the picture. You probably aren’t feeling like your best self in the two weeks after your child’s birth. However, it is so important for you to be in a picture with your little one.
When you pull these pictures out, years from now, you will be so overwhelmed by the memory of all the emotions you felt during this crazy, amazing time that you won’t even notice what you’re wearing. At your CT newborn session, I will make sure that you are dressed and posed in a way that makes you feel confident And with the right photographer, you will be dressed and posed in a way that makes you look beautiful and is flattering for your postpartum body.

If you’re still unsure of whether this type of session is right for you, talk to some of your mom friends to hear about their experiences with newborn photo shoots. Always know that you can reach out to me as well with any questions or concerns you have and we can talk through them to help you decide if this session is what you want to do.