One of the most important decisions you need to make about your one-year old’s cake smash is the theme. These are the tips that I share with my clients on how to choose a cake smash theme.

How to Choose a Cake Smash Theme, Step One: Poke Around Online
Even if clients have a vision in mind, I always encourage them to poke around online a bit before making a final decision. Pinterest is a great place to start. The reason for this is because themes can go from super simple to super complex. I always encourage my clients to stick on the more simple side, but you have to look at some examples to figure out how you feel.
The possibilities are endless! No two sets are ever exactly alike and we will work together to make sure the set reflects your child at this special time. If you need some cake smash theme inspiration ideas, be sure to check out the end of this blog post for ideas!
There is also a big difference between choosing a theme that can be timeless (like a color palette or woodland theme) and a theme that can be dated (a Cocomelon theme).
After you have booked your cake smash session, I will send you a questionnaire that will ask you to submit inspiration pictures. This will help us to get on the same page as far as your vision goes. At this point, we can also discuss how the cake smash budget will be used and if you have any props already that could be used.

Step Two: End Result
The second step in how to choose a cake smash theme is to think about your end result. Are these going on the invitation to your little one’s birthday party? Then maybe you want to use the same theme you’re using for the party. Are you hoping to hang them in the hallway of your home? Then maybe you want to stick with a more timeless, classic look, using the color palette of your home. Again, when in doubt, I encourage clients to go classic and timeless. You won’t regret it!
How to Choose a Cake Smash Theme, Step Three: Child’s Interests and Important Themes
Finally, think about your child’s interests and favorite things. Are they obsessed with dogs and yell “Da!” whenever one walks by? Are donuts their favorite thing? The more personalized the session is to your child, the more you will love the end result. Another thought is to align your cake smash with another theme that you have used in the past. Perhaps you had a woodland themed nursery or a farm baby shower. All of these ideas could be reused again as you come full circle with your little one.

Theme Ideas:
If you are trying to decide how to choose a cake smash theme, here is a list of ideas to get your started:
- Color palette (example: blue ombre, gold and pink)
- Woodland
- Farm/rodeo
- Dog
- Rainforest
- Donuts
- Boho
- Unicorns
- Natural and simple (simple backdrop)
- Rainbow
- Beach

You can also check out recent cake smash themes on my website or follow me on Facebook or Instagram to see recent session themes.
Finally, if you want to check out the whole cake smash planning process from start to finish, be sure to check out this blog post.